Is your computer running slowly and having trouble performing simple tasks? Do frequent software crashes annoy and frustrate you?

The problem may be that your computer’s RAM. But don’t worry; this guide will show you how to clear RAM on Windows 10

We’ll discuss tried-and-true methods, such as using Auslogics Windows Slimmer to clean your temporary memory automatically, allowing your computer to perform like new again. 

Let’s dive in and find out how to clear RAM on your Windows PC’s performance.

What is RAM?

Random Access Memory, is a form of computer memory used temporarily to store and retrieve data used by programs.

Instead of using the slower hard drive to store data, your computer can read and analyze information almost instantly with this.

What Does RAM Do?

RAM is essential for your computer’s smooth operation, allowing you to run programs, browse online, edit files, and play games.

Furthermore, it allows you to switch between activities easily and keeps track of your progress in each one.

Your computer’s ability to multitask improves in proportion to the amount of memory it has. To visualize its operation, start up your computer, play a music video, and check your emails.

The system memory is used in several ways:

Load and run apps

Applications like email clients and spreadsheet programs rely on RAM to load and perform smoothly.

Respond to Commands

RAM allows you to perform instructions, such as downloading YouTube videos or making changes to a spreadsheet.

Switch between programs

The system memory allows you to switch between programs, from Google Docs to checking your emails. In addition, you can compare system memory to the top of your workstation.

With its help, you can complete several tasks at once. 

With more RAM, you can multitask more efficiently and store more information in working memory rather than on the slower storage drive.

How to Check RAM on Windows 10?

Before you learn how to reduce RAM usage, check the RAM on your Windows 10 PC. Follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Start found at the bottom of your screen 
  • Type About Your PC and press Enter.
  • Under Device Specifications, search for Installed RAM.


Ram on windows PC

You can use other ways to check for RAM on your PC.

Related: How To Check Your RAM Size, Speed, and Type On Windows 10 and Mac OS

How to Reduce RAM Usage in Windows 10

Follow the below methods to learn how to free up RAM:

Method 1: Restart your PC

One effective way to reduce RAM usage is to restart your computer. When you do that, everything running at the time is restarted, including the temporary memory. This won’t boost your total available RAM.

But it’ll help you eliminate any memory-hogging processes running in the background. Some tasks could be operating in the background without your knowledge.

If you use your computer frequently, restart it frequently to keep it from slowing down over time. Your computer’s performance will reduce after seven days if you don’t restart it once a week.

Method 2: Try other browsers

Changing browsers could make a significant difference if you want to know how to get more RAM on Windows 10. However, not all browsers are created equal when it comes to memory usage.

Some browsers are lighter on resources, while others excel at preserving memory. If you want to start optimizing your experience, you should look into alternatives like Chrome and Firefox.

These browsers are well-known for their speedy performance and efficient use of memory. By switching, you can free up valuable memory.

However, remember that each browser has its pros and cons.

Related: What is the Best Internet Browser?

Method 3: Clear RAM cache

Another way to know how to lower system memory usage is to clear your cache. This will allow you to free up some much-needed RAM and take control of your PC’s memory resources.

Download Auslogics BoostSpeed
Your one-stop PC maintenance and optimization tool, this program will clean, speed up, repair and tweak your system to ensure maximum speed and efficiency.

Also Read: How to Delete Temporary Internet Files?

Remember that clearing your cache is necessary maintenance that keeps your system running smoothly and keeps memory from overloading.

You can balance browsing speed and system memory use well by making this a regular part of your routine. 

Related: How to Free Up Space With Windows Disk Cleanup

Method 4: Update software to the latest versions

Although updating software can be inconvenient, doing so has significant long-term benefits.

Outdated programs are typically less efficient, and that would demand more system memory resources.

Keeping your software up-to-date allows your computer to run more efficiently, thanks to better memory management.

Also Read: [EASY GUIDE] How to Update Device Drivers on a Windows 10 PC?

Method 5: Delete unused extensions

Did you know that the browser toolbar icons seem harmless and can cause significant memory consumption? On the other hand, deleting unused browser add-ons might improve your computer’s speed.

You can reduce the load on your computer if you delete the extensions you don’t need.

But before you delete any extension, you need to examine the add-ons you don’t or rarely use.

After that, you can delete and keep the ones you frequently use.

How to Clear RAM in Windows 10?

Here’s how to reduce memory usage, check the following steps:

Option 1: Manage RAM usage with Task Manager

The Task Manager can help you determine the cause of high memory usage. This Windows feature displays the programs and processes hogging the primary memory.

You can use this to end such programs to free up the temporary memory space.

Follow the below steps to learn how to clear RAM cache Windows 10

  • First, start the Task Manager by typing Task Manager into the Start menu search bar. Alternatively, press the Ctrl + shift + Esc to instantly open the Task Manager interface. 
  • Click More Details to expand the full view. 


How to Clear RAM and Reduce RAM Usage in Windows 10
  • Go to the Processes menu, then click the Memory header. This will arrange the processes from the highest RAM usage to the lowest. 


clear RAM on Windows 10

Remember to check the monitor occasionally to check the primary memory usage. This will help you find the program that’s using too much RAM. 

Option 2: Uninstall or disable unneeded software

If you’ve had your computer for a while, you probably have a lot of programs installed. And there is a chance that you may not need all of them.

You can use the Task Manager’s “Processes” tab to determine which programs you don’t need, and it’s taking up space.

From there, you can switch to the Startup tab to disable any unused apps.

Here’s how to do it: 

  • Launch Task Manager and go to the Startup subheading.
  • Select the Startup impact column to arrange the most used to least used apps.
  • Next, select Disable from the context menu of any unwanted programs by right-clicking on them.


RAM on Windows 10

Also Read: How to Uninstall Programs on Windows 10/11?

Applications that run at system startup are known as startup programs. Each program stealthily uses a small amount of primary memory without your knowledge or permission.

As a result, multiple applications and updates might adversely influence your computer’s speed and efficiency. 

Related: Quick Tips: How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10

Option 3: Cut down your background apps

Some programs can still run in the background, eating up valuable resources like memory, battery life, and transfer speeds, even if you don’t use them much.

So to avoid shortages, you must find and disable these unused applications.

Here’s how to do it:

  • First, go to Settings and select Privacy
  • Then, use the drop-down menu under Categories to go to Background Apps.
  • Finally, find the programs you don’t need and turn them off. 


remove background apps Windows 10 PC

Notifications and automated updates are two ways background apps try to make life easier. However, these programs can be a problem when memory is scarce. 

So it’s crucial to monitor the system and disable any unnecessary background apps to maintain the best possible performance.

Option 4: Exchange visuals for performance

If you want to know how to clear memory on Windows 10, you can exchange visuals for performance.

Unfortunately, visual effects and computer animations are becoming more resource-intensive as computer technology develops.

Disabling these effects can be necessary if you’re short on RAM and would instead perform better than a more aesthetically pleasing interface.

Here are some things you may do to lessen the visual impact of your computer:

  • Open File Explorer from the Start menu or the taskbar.
  • Select This PC in the window’s left pane and right-click.
  • Select Properties.
  • Click Advanced system settings and then the Advanced tab.
  • Click on the settings tab under the Performance tab.
  • Select Adjust for best performance to turn off all animations.


RAM on a Windows PC

Selectively disabling some effects while keeping others allows you to optimize speed without sacrificing visual appeal.

After you have made some RAM available, you can decide whether or not to use the effects.

Extra Tips to Free up RAM in Windows 10?

There are additional tips you can use to learn how to clear RAM cache. Let’s go through them: 

Tip 1: Scan for malware

You should run a virus scan if your computer’s RAM is drained. Malicious malware has been known to cause significant performance issues by eating up system resources like RAM.

So you can conduct a thorough scan and remove virus and other malware from your PC using Auslogics Anti-Malware.

Even if the best-case scenario is that no malware is found, taking this precaution can help rule out malware as a possible cause of RAM depletion.

Related: Auslogics Anti-Malware: Features and Reviews

Tip 2: Install more RAM

Adding extra RAM to your computer is the obvious option if you frequently have low system memory or want to run many programs simultaneously.

Remember that you’ll need to physically put memory modules into your machine to get more RAM space. So make sure you get RAM sticks that work with your computer.

See the manufacturer’s documentation to find out what kind of RAM your PC can use and if an upgrade is possible.

Tip 3: Use Auslogics BootSpeed Windows Slimmer

If you want to know how to clear RAM on Windows 10 and improve your overall PC health, try out Auslogics BoostSpeed.

The primary factors that affect temporary usage are the specific processes and programs that run your computer.

What Auslogics BoostSpeed Windows Slimmer does is disable unneeded startup programs, clean up junk files, and remove unnecessary system components.

When your computer has fewer unnecessary components and files to manage, fewer memory and CPU resources will be needed, leading to lower system memory usage.

Additionally, by uninstalling unnecessary apps and tweaking settings, Windows Slimmer helps reduce the operating system’s footprint. And that further reduces the memory and CPU power it consumes.

You can use Windows Slimmer by installing Auslogics BoostSpeed, then selecting Windows Slimmer from the System Tools menu. You need to run Windows Slimmer regularly to keep Windows stable and safe.


Free up RAM in Windows 10 with Auslogics BoostSpeed

Related: How to Uninstall Programs on Windows 10

How Auslogics Windows Slimmer Works

The BoostSpeed Windows Slimmer includes a maintenance module and cleaning tools. In this section, you’ll find more options for uninstalling incompatible Windows programs and features. 

You can scan and remove Windows demo content, WinSxS folders, system restore points, memory dump files, temporary files, etc. if you don’t need them. 

Getting rid of these leftovers has multiple benefits, including making more room on your hard drive and helping to keep your Windows system secure and stable. 

If you’re using Windows and want to speed it up, get more storage on your PC, or keep things tidy, consider Windows Slimmer.

Download Auslogics Windows Slimmer
This tool cleans your PC from unneeded components and applications to make your Windows system more compact and efficient.

Related: Why Is My Computer So Slow? – How to Improve Computer Performance


If you want to know how to reduce RAM usage on Windows 10, follow this guide closely. The techniques in this guide will help you recover lost data and keep your computer running smoothly.

However, we recommend Auslogics Windows Slimmer if you want an effective way to free up RAM space.

The program optimizes the system’s performance by scanning and removing any unnecessary programs to reduce excessive system memory usage.


Press the Windows key + R to run the dialog box. Then type “msinfo32” to open the System Information Window. Next, search for the Installed Physical Memory (RAM) section to check the speed.

Click on Start, type About Your PC and press enter. After, search for Installed RAM under Device Specifications.

No. You can’t download more RAM. RAM downloads are more of a joke than a real solution. Computers require RAM, a real hardware component, to function correctly.

If your computer needs more memory, you must buy and manually install new RAM sticks.

If your Windows 10 is experiencing high system memory usage, various options are available. First, terminate any unused applications or background activities.

In addition, you can free up RAM by disabling or removing programs that launch automatically on system boot.

Also, use the Auslogics Anti-Malware to search for any malware virus.