
Samuel Nzube

Tech Writer
Being a technophile has directed my writing career and makes me smile while I work.

My tech obsession began with chasing the smoothest gaming performance possible into various optimization rabbit holes. But that didn't stop me from dipping my toes in different ponds, as I've written for travel, human resources, and digital marketing publications over the past 7 years.

I started out with a copywriting agency after pursuing a diploma in computer science. Since then, I've gone freelance, participated in different tech workshops, and found better ways to achieve peak gaming performance.

I now enjoy pursuing the latest in computer technology, so I can tell readers when to hold their horses or hop on new trends. I also help people resolve the most frustrating operating system, gaming, and application errors.

These experiences and the brilliant folks at Auslogics continue to enrich my articles and deepen my love for computers.

You can reach out and follow me on LinkedIn to learn about the most exciting tech news and solutions when they drop.

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